Resources & Links
More about SIL-PNG
Facebook - Current news and stories about SIL-PNG’s work
CLICK HERE for videos about our work and the communities we serve
CLICK HERE for videos about opportunities to serve with us
Local Language and Scripture Resources
PNG.Bible - Find digital versions of many of PNG’s translated Scriptures
Digital Library - Bloom Talking Books bring text and audio to both teaching and learning materials in PNG's languages to communities and schools
More about PNG and PNG Languages
PNG Languages - Learn more about Papua New Guinea’s languages through language maps and linguistic publications
Ethnologue - This global catalogue of the world's languages includes information on the vitality of PNG's languages, dialects, classification, and development status
SIL-PNG Research Papers - This resource contains over 7,000 articles on PNG's languages and cultures, including research and educational support materials
SIL-PNG Departments
Aviation - Charter flights and learn more about the SIL-PNG Aviation Department.
Ukarumpa International School - Discover why UIS is ‘a great place to teach, a great place to learn’.
Other Departments - Learn more about our wide-ranging services