Serve with Us
We are looking for people with a variety of backgrounds and skill sets to contribute to our work in PNG. SIL-PNG has members serving from approximately twenty countries around the world in short-term and long-term positions. Our top needs are listed below. If you would like more information about serving in one of these roles, please email our human resources department. These are unpaid positions that typically require members to raise their own financial support. For Papua New Guineans seeking paid positions, please CLICK HERE to see a list of open positions, or email our national recruiter.
Linguists and Translation Advisors: We need trained linguists and translation advisors to assist Papua New Guinean language teams in the work of Bible translation and language development. Request more information.
Teachers: Ukarumpa International School (UIS) is looking for Kâ12 teachers and school administrators. UIS supports the work of Bible translation by educating the children of SIL-PNG members. Request more information.
Literacy Workers: Literacy workers can either focus on a specific local language or provide general literacy training applicable to all languages. In either capacity, they play a crucial role in promoting the use of translated Scriptures and contributing to the development of local languages. Request more information.
Aviation: Many language groups in PNG are accessible mainly by plane or helicopter. Besides serving the transportation needs of Bible translators, our Aviation department serves the citizens of PNG in a variety of ways. We need mechanics, fixed-wing pilots, and helicopter pilots. Request more information.
Computer Specialists: Computer specialists are the backbone of our operations. We need network engineers, software developers, and IT specialists to maintain and develop the computer systems that keep us running. Request more information.
Medical Professionals: Our Clinic serves not only the expat community but also the local residents of Aiyura Valley. We are always looking for doctors, nurses, dentists, and dental technicians so that we continue offering a high level of care and support the Bible translation movement. Request more information.
Managers: If you have managerial experience, we could use your services to manage one of our many departments, either at our main centre in Ukarumpa or at one of our regional centres. Managers work with expats and Papua New Guineans and provide an extremely valuable service to support our work of Bible translation. Request more information.
Scripture Access: Our Scripture Access workers help Papua New Guineans apply translated Scriptures to their lives through courses such as Bible Background, Culture Meets Scripture, and Healing the Wounds of Trauma. You don't have to be fluent in a local PNG language to serve in Scripture Access. Request more information.
Skilled Workers: We need construction workers, auto mechanics, welders, and other skilled workers to support the work of Bible translation. Construction workers often travel to remote areas for building projects, while auto mechanics maintain our fleet of vehicles. Request more information.
Trainers: Localisation is one of our strategic priorities. We need linguists, translators, and people with biblical training to invest in Papua New Guineans, training them to become linguistic consultants, translation consultants, and trainers in the areas of biblical background and biblical languages. Request more information.