Building Teams
Growing Partnerships
Our People
SIL-PNG is a diverse organisation with staff from PNG and around the world. We partner closely with local communities and churches to pursue solutions to overcome language-related barriers. We collaborate with governmental, non-governmental, and industry organisations to address the challenges facing PNG’s language communities.
Keep reading to meet our staff, our language community workers, and our partners as they tell their own stories of working with SIL-PNG.
We have over 500 staff living and working in Papua New Guinea. While about half of our staff is from PNG, our team also includes people from over 20 other countries, bringing a wide set of skills, experiences, and perspectives.
CLICK HERE to read how Jinhwan Kim, from South Korea, applies his skills as a sound engineer in serving as a vernacular media specialist.
Language Community Workers
We are currently engaged with around 150 language communities across PNG. While SIL staff bring a range of expertise, local community members understand the culture, context, needs, and desires of the community. We work in close collaboration with the community in order to ensure relevant, sustainable solutions. Meet some of our language community workers here:
Working in Partnership
We work with a wide variety of partners in pursuing transformation in PNG. Collaboration with churches, NGOs, and government organisations is essential to achieving our shared goals.
CLICK HERE to read about SIL-PNG’s long engagement with the Church in Papua New Guinea.
Discover more about the different departments and how they serve language communities.