People, Languages, Life
We are eager for the day when all people enjoy equal access to education, to socio-economic opportunities, and to resources for spiritual growth – no matter what language they speak or sign. Our core contribution areas are Bible translation, literacy, education, language development, linguistic research, and language tools.
We are deeply rooted in Papua New Guinea and believe that:
All people are important
That’s why we care about all languages, and why we’ve worked with over 400 language communities in PNG since 1956. We partner in both urban and village environments, but we specialise in partnering with remote communities who have limited access to services.
Relationship with God is precious
That’s why we pray, love the Bible, and support its translation so all can have the opportunity to know God better. SIL-PNG has partnered in completing New Testament translations in over 220 languages across PNG. Our desire is to see God’s Word in every language, in every life.
All aspects of a person’s life matter
That’s why we work toward language solutions that advance learning, health, justice, reconciliation, and spiritual growth. SIL-PNG partners with communities, NGOs and the PNG Government in areas such as language development, translation, literacy, and education.

Explore the categories below to discover more about how SIL-PNG works with local churches, communities, and other partners to help bring personal and community transformation.
Find stories from our staff, community members working with us, and our partners.
Discover more about our language solutions, tools, and services.
Learn about different ways peoples’ lives are improved through language solutions.